Clarity Breakthrough Session:
One deep-dive Breakthrough Clarity Session. Get unstuck and moving forward with no regrets after just one session. We’ll spend about an hour together on the phone after you’ve completed a pre-session assignment. The assignment and our session will help guide you to clarity and uncover the hidden blocks standing in your way. You’ll come out of our session together with confidence and clarity about your next steps and energized to take action.
Steps To Apply For A Clarity Session with Shelley:
Step 1 - Fill out the short contact form below and hit the submit button.
Step 2 - Shelley will reach out to you within 24 hours by phone or email.
Step 3 - If you’ve been accepted for a clarity session we’ll set up a time for a call with Shelley and send you the pre-call information packet and assignment.
Step 4 - Complete your pre-call assignment to start the process of getting to clarity.
Step 5 - Show up on time for your call able to focus 100% on you and your breakthrough.
Step 6 - If it’s a good fit, Shelley will invite you to join either a private or group program to support your journey.
Vendela says “From In-decision to Clarity”
"What I LOVE about Shelley is that she addresses EVERYTHING in life in one course - not just business or relationships or self-care, but everything integrated. Because so often one area of life affects another and creates a gridlock to moving forward. As always the teacher appears at the just the right time, and I found Shelley at a time of such in-decision in many areas of my life.
If you are caught in analysis paralysis like I was - there is no-one better at sorting you out than Shelley! She *actually* genuinely CARES and took the time to walk me through my decision making dilemmas on the calls and step by step sorted out the mess in my head in a way I hadn't come across before. She has a way of combining heart and logic that doesn't leave either one out and therefore the conclusions we come to together tends to stick, and I don't have to think about them anymore.
As a result my head feels clear, my energy isn't zapped from indecision anymore - I can actually do my work without feeling overwhelmed, and I have room in my Ideal Day for everything that is important to me - business, personal life & self-care.
Feel free to reach out to Shelley for my contact info if you'd like to ask me some questions about working with her."
- Vendela Mitchel, House of Glow
Apply for Your Complementary Clarity Session: